




The Caballeros Del Sol is an independent member driven Inter-City Commerce and Trade Committee. 


The purpose of Caballeros Del Sol shall be to support the Tucson business community by fostering goodwill, and promoting trade with the communities in Arizona and neighboring states and with those of our neighbor, Mexico, by:

1. Providing a networking and business development vehicle for its members.

2. Acting as an independent economic development outreach committee of concerned Tucson Business leaders, or in collaboration with others. 

3. Supporting other Tucson business groups, organizations, and city, county, or state agencies that share similar goals. (Fostering goodwill includes assisting with fund raising, but excludes the handling of money.)

4. Making periodic scheduled trips to such communities to promote Tucson and members’ own businesses. 

5. Fostering Mexican Business Relationships with its members and the city of Tucson. 


    The fiscal year of Caballeros Del Sol shall be from July 1 to June 30. The term for the Chairman, the officers and the subcommittees shall be the same. 


    1. The Annual Meeting shall be held between May 1 and June 30 of each year as determined by the Executive Committee, at such and time and place as it shall determine.

    2. General Meetings (except the Annual Meeting) shall be held on the second Thursday of every month from September to June or as needed by the Chairman or by any five (5) active members. 

    3. Forty percent (40%) of the current active membership shall constitute a quorum. 


      The Chairman of the Caballeros Del Sol shall be known as “EL JEFE.”


        The selection of the Chairman-elect shall be announced at the May General Meeting. The Chairman-elect shall administer the affairs of Caballeros Del Sol in the absence of El Jefe and shall become Chairman upon the expiration of the term of the Chairman or in the event of a vacancy in the Office of Chairman. 

        G. TREASURER

          The treasurer shall be appointed by the El Jefe and shall be responsible for reviewing, with the Executive Director, the financial records of Caballeros Del Sol and furnishing such financial reports as the Executive Committee or El Jefe direct. 

          H. OTHER OFFICES

            The El Jefe shall also appoint a Membership, Trip, Public Relations, and Traditions/Alumni Chair and an Entertainment Event Coordinator.  The El Jefe-elect shall appoint a Trip Vice Chair, and a Membership Vice Chair.


              The Executive Director shall be selected by the Executive Committee and will act as the Secretary of the organization.  The Executive Director is responsible for maintaining accounting records and preserving records and archives of the organization.

              II.   COMMITTEES


              1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of nine (9) members as follows:

              a) Chairman (El Jefe)

              b) Chairman-elect

              c) Treasurer

              d) Program Chairman

              e) Program Vice-Chairman

              f) Membership Chairman

              g) Membership Vice-Chairman

              h) Public Relations Coordinator

              i) Entertainment Event Coordinator

                  **The ED shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee

                  2. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to exercise the following possibilities:

                  a) Develops the membership criteria, reviews and recommends whether applications are to be submitted to membership for a vote.

                  b) Recommends approval of all proposed trip schedules, determines point values for the trips, or may disapprove of one or all of the proposed trips.

                  c) Administers all activities of the committee consistent with these Rules of Procedures.

                  d) Approves or disapproves recommendations from the Membership Committee for probation or termination of a member. 

                  e) The control and management shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

                    The following shall be the standing committees, the members of which (except the Nominating Committee) shall be selected by the committee chairman. 

                    B. PROGRAM COMMITTEE

                    1. The Program Committee shall be composed of the Trip Chairman, Vice Chairman and Program Chairman. 

                    2. This committee shall be responsible for establishing the program’s specific and measurable objectives and agenda, organizes, schedules, implements, and coordinates with the Program Chairman. 

                    3. The incoming Program Committee shall recommend to the executive Committee a proposed schedule of trips to be taken by Caballeros Del Sol during the following fiscal year. This recommendation should be presented prior to April 1 of each year. The schedule must be approved by the Executive Committee and by the membership prior to the Annual Meeting. 

                    C. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE

                    1. The Membership Committee shall be composed of the Membership Chairman, Vice Chairman and one (1) other member. 

                    2. This committee shall be responsible for membership recruitment, applications, orientation, processing of applications, recommending action on membership applications and implementing the membership rules of procedure. 

                    3. This committee shall also have the responsibility to recommend to the Executive Committee probation or termination of a member for improper behavior as defined by the rules of procedure.

                    4. This committee shall also have the responsibility to recommend to the Executive Committee a membership type change for a member when appropriate. 

                    5. This committee shall seek to balance industry representation based upon the overall participating business members that make up the Caballeros Del Sol. 

                    D. NOMINATING COMMITTEE

                    1. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of five (5) immediate past El Jefes. It shall be chaired by the immediate past EL Jefe. The current El Jefe may be requested to attend meetings of this committee. 

                    2. In January a call for nominations for El Jefe-elect will be sent to the general membership with submission of applicants to the Committee by the second Thursday in February. 

                    a) The Committee shall prepare a slate of at least two (2) but not more than three (3) candidates for El Jefe-elect to be presented to the general membership at its general meeting in March. Following this meeting, ballots will be sent to the general membership.

                    b) This committee shall be responsible for submitting to the Executive Committee, prior to April 15, the candidate with the most votes received for El Jefe-elect for the succeeding year. The name of the new El Jefe-elect will be announced at the May General Meeting.


                    1. Responsible for taking photographs at all of group events.

                    2. Responsible for writing a monthly newsletter of the group’s activities.

                    3. Responsible to try and get positive PR.


                    1. The Entertainment Event Coordinator shall serve as a committee chairman who will elect two (2) other members to assist as needed. 

                    2. The committee shall be responsible for coordinating the purchase of goods or services as needed to provide for its members’ planned activities. 

                    3. Serves refreshments as needed during all Caballeros Del Sol events, which are not catered, or as directed by El Jefe. 

                    G. TRADITIONS/ALUMNI CHAIR

                      Responsible to promote the old traditions of CDS to the Executive Committee and Membership.

                      III.   MEMBERSHIP

                      A. MEMBER ELIGIBILITY

                        A candidate for active membership or as an alternative shall be an owner, manager, or employed in an executive capacity of a firm doing business in the Tucson metro area. 

                        Candidates for membership should be those persons who reasonably can be expected to participate in the majority of activities of Caballeros Del Sol. 

                        The Executive Committee of the Caballeros Del Sol may waive requirements for business ownership or management as a prerequisite for membership on application for any government employee on recommendation of the Membership Committee and approval. 

                        When a member or the member’s alternate changes firms, they have a six-month grace period to re-apply for membership if they meet the other criteria of membership without having to pay additional fees. 

                        A candidate shall be of good character & outstanding business and professional reputation.

                        B. APPLICATIONS

                          No applications shall be considered unless the candidate meets all eligibility requirements. 

                          C. TYPES

                            There shall be four (4) types of members of this committee:

                            1. Active Members

                            a) Applications for active membership shall be made on the prescribed form through the Membership Committee. 

                            b) A sponsor shall obtain permission from either the El Jefe, the Chairman of the Membership Committee, the El Jefe-elect to invite the prospective member on a trip. After participating in a trip, the prospective member must submit his application within forty-five (45) days. Membership applications shall be reviewed by the Membership Committee who shall then recommend approval or disapproval thereof to the Executive Committee. 

                            c) The Executive Committee reviews and recommends whether an application is sent to the membership for a vote.   Membership applications shall be submitted to the members for their approval. Ballots shall be mailed to all members for vote on the application. If within ten (10) days following the mailing, less than five (5) percent of the active membership votes in opposition to approval of the application, the application shall be deemed acceptable.  Any negative votes are received concerning a pending application shall be reviewed by the El Jefe, by the Membership Chairman, both of whom shall sign a memorandum for the file certifying the number of negative votes received. The names of those voting “no” shall not be furnished to any other person and their written votes shall be destroyed. 

                            d) Upon approval by the Executive Committee and by the general membership, the applicant shall be immediately notified, in writing, of his acceptance. If the applicant is not approved, they will be informed by the Membership Chair and/or their sponsor.

                            e) Active memberships shall be limited to fifty (50) and they are the only voting members.

                            f) There shall be no more than one (1) active member from any firm. 

                            2. Senior Active Members

                            a) Candidates for Senior Active Membership shall meet the following requirements:

                            – Has either been a member of Caballeros Del Sol for no less than ten (10) consecutive years or has been a member of Caballeros Del Sol for no less than five (5) consecutive years and has permanently retired. 

                            – Has contributed in a major way to the activities of this committee. 

                            – Be a current member in good standings of Caballeros Del Sol. 

                            b) Senior Active members shall have no vote in Caballeros Del Sol.

                            c) Senior Active members shall be limited to twenty-five (25).

                            d) Application for Senior Active membership shall be made in writing and shall be directed to the Executive Committee for review and approval or disapproval.

                            3. Honorary Members

                            a) An Honorary member must meet one of the following requirements:

                              – Candidates must hold public office or a position that makes significant contributions to the welfare and benefit of the metropolitan community. 

                              – Candidate must be an individual who has or could contribute in a major way to the activities of the Caballeros Del Sol. 

                              b) Application for Honorary membership shall be directed, in writing, to the Membership Committee for their review. The Membership committee will thereafter forward the said application, with their recommendations, to the Executive Committee for their approval or disapproval. 

                              c) Honorary memberships shall be limited to ten (10) and shall have no vote in the Caballeros Del Sol. 

                              4. Deferred Membership

                                Deferred membership status may be granted, by action of the Executive Committee, to any active member who, due to illness, or other extenuating circumstances, expects to be able to meet participation requirements. The Executive Committee shall review such status semi-annually during the months of September and January of each year. During each deferred status, the Caballero shall not be considered as an active member. Deferred members shall have priority over all other applicants to return to active status upon approval of the Executive Committee.

                                D. PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS

                                1. Trip participation shall be determined on the basis of point values assigned by the Executive Committee to each function. An active member shall need at least fifty (50) percent of the total points possible for trips and other functions and participate in at least seventy-five (75) percent of the scheduled general meetings during the first twelve (12) months of membership in Caballeros Del Sol. Should he fail to do so, his membership may be automatically terminated, effective on the last day of the month following expiration of his twelve (12) month membership, or at any time that it becomes mathematically impossible for said member to satisfy either of these requirements. 

                                2. An Active member with more than twelve (12) months service on the committee shall need not less than fifty (50) percent the total points possible for trips and other functions and shall participate in at least fifty (50) percent of the scheduled general meetings during any fiscal year. 

                                3. Senior Active and Honorary members must attend two (2) general scheduled meetings and participate in at least two (2) trips per year (at least one of which must be to another community). The Executive Committee may terminate any membership that fails to meet requirements. (Note I.D.1. hereof)

                                4. An Active member participating in an official function of the Caballeros Del Sol while hosting a group or groups visiting Tucson may receive credit for not more than one (1) scheduled trip or one scheduled luncheon per year. 

                                5. Upon approval of a new member’s application to this committee, his sponsor shall receive points equal to the number of points awarded him for the first trip, which the new member attended prior to submitting his application. 

                                E. REINSTATEMENT

                                1. A member, who has been notified that his membership has been terminated, may apply for reinstatement through the membership committee. Such applications shall be made by the applicant and acted upon in the same manner as an original applicant. 

                                2. A reinstated member shall be considered a new member in relations to his percentage of participation points required. 

                                F. ALTERNATES

                                1. After one year of membership, an active member may propose an alternate from his firm who must be approved by the Executive Committee. 

                                2. Said Alternate may represent the Active member for participation credit on not more than two (2) and trips and not more than two (2) general meetings during any fiscal year. The Active member shall not be counted as absent when represented by his Alternate. 

                                3. An Alternate shall not automatically become an Active member upon the Active member’s change of status, but must follow the procedures found in 3.C.1-3

                                G. UNIFORMS

                                  The membership shall select such other items of wearing apparel and identification badge, as it deems proper to make members of Caballeros Del Sol distinctive in appearance. Each individual member shall pay for wearing apparel. 

                                  All Active & Senior members are required to wear the official uniform at all committee functions when requested by the chairman. 

                                  H. PRIORITY

                                  1. Priority for participation in trips based on the availability of space shall be determined in the following order.

                                  a) Official guests of the committee (program).

                                  b) Executive Director of Caballeros Del Sol.

                                  c) Active members based on the most trip participation for the immediately preceding eight (8) trips.

                                  d) Senior Active members based on the most trip participation for the immediately preceding eight (8) trips.

                                  e) Other Honorary members based on the most trip participation for the immediately preceding eight (8) trips.

                                  f) Alternates based on the most trip participation for the immediately preceding eight (8) trips.

                                  g) Other guests

                                    IV.  FINANCES

                                    A. INITIATION FEE

                                    1. A candidate elected to Active membership shall pay an initiation fee as determined by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of the active Membership present at a general meeting which a quorum is present.

                                    2. A reinstated member will not be required to pay an additional initiation fee.

                                    3. A candidate approved as an Alternate for an Active member shall pay an initiation fee as determined by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of the active Membership present at a general meeting, which a quorum is present. 

                                    B. DUES

                                    1. Each Active member and each Senior Active member shall pay annual dues as determined by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of the active membership present and at a general meeting at which a quorum is present, which shall include luncheon meetings and staff overhead annual expense. 

                                    2. Honorary members shall not be charged dues.

                                    3. Annual dues will be billed in August. 

                                    C. GENERAL FUND

                                    1. All monies collected from initiation fees, dues, and assessments become Caballeros Del Sol assets and shall be accumulated in a general fund and will be held or used as needed by the Caballeros Del Sol Executive Committee. 

                                    2. All funds accumulated in this general fund shall be deposited in a Caballeros Del Sol checking account, requiring two signatures which shall be up-dated annually with the following:

                                                                          Chairman, Chairman Elect , Treasurer

                                      D. GUESTS

                                      1. Official guests of Caballeros Del Sol are defined as appropriate government officials, VIP’s and program participants approved in advance by the Executive Committee. 

                                      2. Other guests of Caballeros Del Sol are to be considered individual guests of the member who invites them. Each member is responsible for paying all trip expenses for his alternate and his guest. A member must clear with the Executive Director as to availability of space before inviting a guest. 

                                      3. Members will be reimbursed for guest expenses upon the guest becoming an active member of the Caballeros Del Sol within ninety (90) days of the trip.  

                                      E. TRIP CHARGES

                                      1. All Senior Active members and all Honorary members who participate in a trip and all Active members, regardless of whether or not they participate in a trip, shall be charged on a pro-rata basis as follows:

                                      a) Costs of transportation (Arizona trips only)

                                      b) Costs of refreshments, meal and other activities approved by the Executive Committee for representatives of the community visited.

                                      c) All trip expenses (including transportation) for official guests and for the Caballeros Del Sol Staff Representative.

                                      d) All other trip expenses will be charged, on a pro-rata basis, to those members who participate in the trip. 

                                      2. The above charges may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be billed partially or in total prior to each trip, and if so billed, shall be paid when designated and in advance of each trip.

                                      3. Honorary members may be charged an assessment as determined by the Executive Committee for each trip in which they participate, plus their pro-rate share of trip charges

                                      F. DELINQUINCY

                                        Any member who fails to pay all dues or other charges of this organization within thirty (30) days after being billed for some shall not be permitted to attend any activity of this organization until such charges are brought to current. Any form of participation that represents an expense must be paid in cash, check, or may be charged to a credit card in advance of the event. The Executive Committee may direct the forfeiture of any membership that fails to pay such charges within sixty (60) days of being billed for it.   Any grievances by a member must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee within sixty (60) days.

                                        G. FINANCIAL REPORTS

                                          The Executive Director and Treasurer shall provide to the Executive Committee at each regular meeting and, to the membership annually, a financial report in a format prescribed by the Executive Committee on the status of the General Fund. 

                                          V.  AMENDMENTS

                                          These Rules of Procedure may be amended at any General meeting, by the favorable majority vote of those Active members of the organization at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.